A Engaged Bystander is someone who may witness or suspect an incident of Family Violence – it could be sexual assault, physical, emotional or financial abuse, or even bullying.
Being an Engaged Bystander may mean speaking
up, interrupting or intervening in violence that is occurring (when it’s safe to do so).

In addition to the 24hr crisis intervention workers available to take your call, we are deeply connected to local agencies so that we can help direct you to the resources that will best meet the needs of your individual situation – whether you are seeking help or you are seeking help for someone you care about.

Ukončení rodinného a sexuálního násilí a šikany po celý život
The Wood Buffalo Family Violence Coordinating Council (WBFVCC) is a local collective
comprised of approximately 20 community partners whose purpose is enhance the capacity of our community to address and prevent family and sexual violence & bullying within the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. This coordinated, community response shares knowledge and resources, identifies and supports opportunities to address and influence policy and programming related to family violence, sexual violence and bullying education, prevention and intervention across the lifespan.
Koordinace v rámci spektra služeb
Shromáždit vedoucí představitele organizací v sektoru rodinného násilí, sexuálního násilí a šikany.
Identifikovat mezery ve službách a společně pracovat na zlepšení poskytování služeb.
Zajistit koordinovaný přístup k pomoci rodinám v krizi.

24hodinová informační a referenční linka, která vás spojí se sociálními, zdravotními a vládními službami.